Saturday 30 March 2019

A few more thoughts - BREXIT

What is the difference between "crashing out with no deal" and managing transition on trade to WTO terms. Think about it! Who and what is standing in the way of such an orderly exit. The EU's hands are not clean!
Write off an impartial media:
Preposterously pompous Adam Boulton on Sky News (every day - see how he is much softer on Remainers) (how is it elected representatives are labelled Leaver or Remainer when Journalists are not!)
Sally Bundock and Tim Wetherspoon BBC Business News Thursday 28th March constantly interrupting and seeking to prevent TW answering the questions she asked. Emily Maitlis on Newsnight the same day - same tactic.
Robert Peston interviews with Boris Johnson - RP virtually saying you are a "numpty" - in some respects true but it is poor Journalism.
Will Self - conflates what he calls ethnic nationalism with racism. He produces no evidence. He should read Eatwell and Goodwin for a much more reasoned and believable analysis rather than purvey his version of the world in such a superficial, supercilious, gesture ridden, sloganising way. But then he is only like many other commentators (they know who they are).
Probably the most important attributes of an independent, sovereign nation are:
a) its laws are made in that country and its Supreme Court determines outcomes according to domestic law;
b) it does not accept coercion or restraints in International Relations whether economic, political or heaven forbid military but operates on the basis of negotiated reciprocity;
c) its electorate and its representatives are genuinely inclusive - not as has been in the past preaching inclusivity whilst practising the opposite - see Tony Blair and most Conservative governments;
d) the electorate has to have confidence that it is being supported by its government and that government is not beholden to business and moneyed interests see Tony Blair and most Conservative governments.
Have a great weekend!

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