Monday 25 February 2019

Brexit - The Media Nonsense Circus goes on!

The 29th March is a date in the calendar. It is not a date when the sky might fall in nor the end of the world! Ask yourself whether the EU and the UK would not negotiate if we just left on 29th. Of course we would. Scrub the hyperbole and next ask yourself why all of a sudden the EU is getting anxious about the UK leaving without a deal. Because if that happened the UK would be in a stronger negotiating position! Yes there might be disruption but it would then be seen as deliberate by either party. Think about it do we all really want that. Now those who seek to (as they put it) "take no deal off the table" are exposed as that proposal is part of a prospective narrative that goes like this:
a) take no deal off the table;
b) Parliament deadlocked over any prospective deal;
c) seek extension to Article 50;
d) propose "People's Vote/Final Say" which is really a proxy to seek to remain;
e) another referendum where Remain is on the ballot paper and split Leave vote with the deal or no deal also on the ballot paper.
Well I am not falling for it and the stronger negotiating position we have with a smug/arrogant EU the better!

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