Tuesday, 22 December 2020

?Death of Labour

The damage to the Labour Party by the Metropolitan self regarding "elite" (their fellow travellers and believers) gifts Conservative governments for decades!

I don't think even a year since that crushing election defeat that it has quite sunk in yet! The Labour Party lost nearly 3 million voters. In a sane political world there would have been a very rapid re-appraisal concentrating on why those votes were lost and how they could be re-gained. So let me re-iterate what many former Labour voters say (I know having spoken to many). "These metropolitan types have taken us for granted for years. Moreover they thought it was appropriate to insult our intelligence by seeking to overturn the Brexit referendum vote" (see Keir Starmer's role in that) "and that we would not rebel. Additionally when the referendum result was known we were told we did not know what we were doing" (strange how "Remaniacs" claim immunity from any other than reason - such arrogance!) "and were racist anyway" (no real evidence for that) "so we did not count".

The mistaken belief arises from the snob views of Paul Mason, Polly Toynbee, Owen Jones and their ilk. Paul Mason famously concluded that the "working class" vote was no longer necessary for Labour to win claiming that the demographics of employment strongly favoured Labour and increasingly so. (I know because I was at his Lecture on 27th October 2016). Well its no surprise we haven't heard much from Mason since December 2019 as his theory has now spectacularly been flushed down the toilet.

Now we end up with the architect of Labour's pledge to re-run the referendum vote as Leader. It is no surprise that there is trust deficit! The "Remainiacs" won't accept defeat as distinct from Remainers who are real democrats (I include myself in that) who say time to move on and if I was wrong admit it! But no they still persist with their sneering and smearing. No Ms Toynbee it is not acceptable nor is it good Journalism to start off many articles with "another day - another lie from the Prime Minister". Nor as Toynbee and Jones continue promote another variant of "you don't know what your doing" via "just you wait until you get your redundancy notice!". So its time for Labour to wake up - a root and branch re-construction is necessary. Away with the self regarding metropolitan "elite" who in all honesty are really just a bunch of place seekers (a normal Conservative Party trait). Away with time serving SpAds who have never had a proper job and think they have a right to a safe seat. Its time to honestly and genuinely admit past failings and re-connect with the base support else Labour will wither and die and in failing to do so will it will justly deserved!