re-read the EU negotiating guidelines it is clear that without
significant movement by both sides then a so called No Deal is close
to being inevitable. It is also clear that the EU has not moved an
inch (2.5 centimetres). However no matter what Remainiacs say the
referendum result reflected conditions attached to it and what was
said – leave Single Market and Customs Union, end jurisdiction of
the ECJ and restore control of Borders. It really is the case of
something has to give and if nothing does then No Deal results.
Now No Deal
is a misnomer as even if we leave without a Deal discussions will
continue as to arrangements that will apply. Moreover No Deal does
not mean an end to all trade. There may be costs but the average EU
tariff is 3% to 5%. So words such as catastrophe, disastrous are
completely misplaced!
Perhaps the
greatest absurdity is the border between the Irish Republic and
Northern Ireland as a No Deal ensures the Republic (as the agent of
the EU) will have to introduce Border Controls because the real
reason is the protection of the Single Market. Remember to proceed on
the basis of mistrust only results in that mistrust being
Then there
is Parliamentary absurdity. Can you imagine the EU being kind to us
because we have difficulties in the House of Commons – no it
(Parliamentary control of Government business) will make it worse and
achieve nothing! Even if Parliament does get control how will they
progress it if the Government declines to seek an extension to the
Article 50 process. Will a Cabal of members seek direct discussions
with the EU when they cannot agree among themselves the way forward.
Taking No
Deal off the table as any negotiator will tell means you end up as a
supplicant which is what Remainiacs want as a precursor to
overturning the referendum result.
What is not
absurd is to move on!! At the very least this will give business more