Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Bring this farce to an end

The Prime Minister has advised the Queen to prorogue Parliament. The Queen has agreed. Some common sense points:
1) most of those wanting a deal with the EU in reality want to stop Brexit - no amount of verbal circumlocution can hide this!
2) If you bother to read the EU's original negotiating position this is the type of document which is presented to a country defeated in a war - read it and weep at the spineless wimps in charge of negotiations.
3) As you will gather I am not prepared to go to these people on my knees;
4) No deal is a misnomer as we all know there will be a deal or deals however it may not happen before we leave on 31st October.
5) As a minimum our Supreme Court must do what it says on the tin therefore it can never be subordinate in any respect to the ECJ. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Brexit more Juvenile negotiating

Boris Johnson visits Berlin today and Angela Merkel challenges him to come up with a realistic "solution" to the Border problem in Ireland. Apparently he accepts this challenge to be done within 30 days. Does he not realise that anything less than a guarantee of Irish Unification in a short period of time will be vetoed by the Republic government on the spurious grounds of (what the EU really wants) not absolutely securing their Single Market and Customs Union which in itself is a Protectionist Trade Bloc. The Belfast Agreement is a very convenient document here and the EU forgets that consent works both ways. The proposition that any part of the UK remains in the Single Market and Customs Union is precisely the reason it can never be accepted. And if it is doubted that Germany is more concerned with its trading position than Ireland listen very carefully to what Angela Merkel said/says and even more so German business! Moreover a legally binding agreement with the EU cannot be acceptable on the grounds put forward as trust is absent - the Irish Constitution of 1937 is a repudiation of the 1922 Partition Treaty and therefore one has the right to ask how could we know that it would be honoured? Now for those in the UK this may seem a strange if not idiosyncratic position to take. But the facts speak for themselves it is the Remainiacs in the media who do not let these facts be broadcast.
And whilst I am having a blast - how come we are not getting all our money back from the EIB? - can we have a forensic audit (by NAO) of the financial claims being made by the EU - what is the EU going to pay for our intellectual property in relation to GPS which they (especially) the French say we can no longer use post Brexit?
In the adult world the Irish Border question would be dealt with:-
1st November no change in applicable regulations;
post November 2019 if either party i.e. UK or EU wishes to vary the applicable regulations then they are required to consult with the other party in timetabled discussions. Neither party shall have the right to veto the other's proposal!
This, of course, will not happen given that the agenda is not sensible negotiations but multifarious - making it as difficult as possible to leave, punishment and the UK must not be better off etc. etc.
So sadly its no deal and goodbye on 31st October. Notice the media does not report overwhelming support for leaving without a deal (ComRes August 2019). Surely its time for all Journalists to be challenged on which way they voted so that their claims of objectivity and impartiality can be properly assessed - don't hold your breath.