Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Media mis-representation continues

A short note here to exemplify the bias in our media against any form of Brexit. This morning that preposterous and pompous Adam Boulton had a so called "expert" to talk about a new Conservative Leader and Brexit options. This person was one Stephanie Rickard of LSE. She has written papers on International Trade. She actually said (inter alia) the UK was in weak negotiating position being in the Euro Zone. This was another example of the wish being father to the thought. Indeed every point that the said Adam Boulton made was countered by SR asserting the UK was in a weak position. We are, of course, not in the Euro Zone. Moreover no evidence was produced or adduced to support the assertions made of our alleged weakness. The groupthink in the metropolitan is astounding. This is only one example. Again I would remind you I voted to remain but I am a Democrat unlike many of the (in their minds) elite.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

A World of Nonsense

Brexit is so difficult – from a CEO of a multi-Billion £ company (and many others in the same category) and his pay exceeds £5m pa. For that sort of money I would have thought that with such talent he (it is usually he) could have solved Fermat's Last Theorem before breakfast!
A time limited back stop is not a back stop( back stop numerous politicians). Terminological inexactitude – a non time limiting back stop is a full stop! Much beloved of politicians and so called experts whose inexactitudes cloak deliberate deception.
Why don’t you go back to the countries where you came from (Trump) – but I am not racist. However I am prepared to play the race card to secure my base support – probably worse than being an out right racist.
Identity Politics is fashionable but it is part of political discourse it is neither an end in itself nor progressive when it seeks to act exclusively – "only such an identity can act and judge itself" – an Exclusive Brethren determined by by race or colour or religion etc (the writer speaking).
The best defender of religious freedom is a liberal, democratic tolerant society – that is what should be built. The sins of the fathers should not be visited on their sons – victim hood and revenge are no basis for progress of any kind (the writer speaking).
Enough now listen to Radio 3 – Beethoven, Ades and Nielsen.