Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Keeping an eye on Neo-Liberal nonsense

A day doesn't go by without some (never had a proper job) quasi academic spouting off about what we should and should not do! Two examples today of their ideological bankruptcy (why does the media give these numclucks house room?). First William Hague in his statement about Ukraine (House of Commons 4th March 2014) says we must help? Ukraine reform its Labour Market as well as seeking repatriation of stolen property i.e. theft from the ordinary working people of Ukraine by previous politicians and gangster oligarchs. Just a thought but were not these gangster oligarchs previously lauded (by neo-liberals as those who would transform the Ukrainian economy into a vibrant, democratic, market based, European economy! Oh! I forgot: in the neo-liberal mind all we have to do in achieving perfection is reform the labour market because it was all their fault in the first place! Another example of a wilful ignorance of the facts and a proper understanding of human nature.
Two examples today. The second:
just heard: Stephen Davies, of the Institute for Economic Affairs, say: "If you have taken the decision to have a child - which these days is a voluntary decision - why should you then expect other people, in the shape of the taxpayer, to help pick up some of the costs of that decision?"
Now, is it not the case that the government (all governments) want to at least maintain the population for economic, social and cultural reasons. It is one of those unspoken public policies although in France a few years back it became public and explicit. It follows that the government must therefore afford support both for child rearing and child care. Real people do not live in a world/country where the autonomous individual has complete control over their lives as envisaged in the neo-liberal theory. Moreover, as is the case in this report, a talented women had to give up work due to the enormous cost of childcare. The cost now in some cases exceeds the mortgage payments! Failed theory following real world testing!!